The Kingdom is much like a precious gem that is locked in a light-less vault. Its value is often passed by until it exposed to the full spectrum of light and then the desire for a connection begins. Very few risked touching Jesus in a devotional way ... I can only think of two (named) that are mentioned in the Gospels ... Mary Magdalene and John, the beloved Apostle.
In the verse below there are two different attitudes in the stride or run to the tomb to the tomb caused by Mary's announcement of the "emptied" tomb (they have taken him!) One of guilt because of a hype-filled failed response to the Jesus connection and the other was a devotional broken curiosity movement. None the less, they both end up at the tomb. ... See the verse below:
John 21: 20 - "Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following: also leaned on His breast at supper, and said Lord, which is he that betrayeth Thee? "
NOW - Peter was able to walk briefly on the storm tossed waters, but it was John whom leaned back into the comfort of the breast of Jesus. Possibly by the movement of the Spirit (that stemmed from the words of promise to the tribes of Israel from Moses in Deuteronomy) ... But regardless, John acted devotionally appropriate to the call of the Spirit -- Devotion differentiates the substance and evidence of faith from the fading hopes and dreams of fantasy. Deut. 33:12 "And of Benjamin he said, the Beloved of the Lord shall dwell safely by Him, and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between His shoulders" (Sounds a little like the character and actions of John, the Beloved).
Story Time:
As the terrifying shrieks and snarling howls of the Hordes of Hell filled the terrestrial Sound Scape of the Lost; The Demonic legion of warriors left behind nothing but pillaged and burnt remains (of what was once life) as they raced across the fields of fallen dreams. The hopeless and deceived occupants of the land were no match against this Horde's weapons of soul destruction that were dripping with the blood of the fainted innocent, the pridefully resistant, the hyped sympathetic, and the worldly submissive ... All alike, those without Love's pure connection had no strength to stand against the onslaught .
The goal of the horde: Smash through the Door, take the keys of the Kingdom by Force, destroy all Hope, and raise their Black Flag of Evil Victory over Eternity destroyed.
The tumultuous event stopped short of the Door, as a strange almost paralytic fear swept over every warrior in the ranks of the Horde. Caught off guard, one of the rank had all but reached out and almost touched the handle of the Door ...when ... There was an overwhelming realization ... before them ... that there was no obvious resistance, no opposition army prepared for defense, no shout or call to arms ... But there was a still small voice that was cancelling out all the noise of this destructive host ... The Still Small voice said "Enter In!"
One shaking gruesome warrior was pushed reluctantly to engage the handle of the door - And his touch, O That touch, rippled through the entire host with a terrifying vision flashback of something "vanishing point" ancient, pure and good ... But hauntingly... long lost in the memories of rejection ...
The Touch sent a sensation that that they all so longed for, but now and forever sat in the prisons of denial. The result of the shock wave of the memory actually accidentally forced open the door. The vision inside overcame and totally obliterated the mindset and purpose of the enemy.
As it swung wide open ... There was an immediate blood curdling scream from the Horde that blasted like a subsonic wave and turned them to flight. As they fled in the total opposite direction of the Door, a self-slaughter began and continued furiously by the fear of being slaughtered, and the total destruction of the Army of Evil took only a moment. By the panicking swings and trashing of their own destructive weapons that had been purposed for others... Their destruction was complete, the battle was over. The Black flag fell onto the carnage pile of their own demise.
What was the image behind the door?
Picture a Father in a well lit, warm, stately, comfortably, welcoming chair ... Picture Him holding a small sleeping child in the protection of his arms, within the comfort of His breast. Let this picture of love fill your heart ...
It is what we all desire ...
To be held,
to be covered,
to be safe,
"between the shoulders" of the Father ...
Within the Heart of our God.
Move forward by devotion, not by the hype of duty.
Only those who know His Love, can truly share His love.
Drop your heart to its knees, cast aside all pride
... Let Jesus Love You!