A View Through Another Window

A View through another Window (Careful in your reading - there is a purpose for repetition - Learning!)

"Call me not Naomi (meaning delights), call me Mara (meaning Bitter), for the LORD hath dealt very bitterly with me." Ruth 1:20 Naomi (at this point of her life) had no idea ... at first ... that God had a greater plan; a plan that was far beyond the imagination of creation. 

Here is a fact that we must consider: When our delight for life is stripped naked by the bitterness of loss, loneliness and incapacitating pain... unbelief easily wraps its arms around "the broken one" chaining hope in a prison of dark despair. But He, who is altogether lovely in His plans for His kids, is perfect in His deliverance ... if only the darkened eyes will turn to acknowledge His light... And that those, called on to encourage the abandoned, will hear the Voice of the Encourager and rise up to ... Touch!

Don't miss this ... God made it obvious, it is not just a nice story in the Word ... He attached her name to the Book - "RUTH" - for she would do what others could not do, and probably would not do. She saw the unseen rewards of a future with God's "Still small voice", more influential than the loud boisterous lies of temporal pain. And she began the life of the name she was given - "Friendship: 
- with the depth of continued companionship
- for the purpose of shepherding 
- to the end of Love's protective and nurturing deliverance. 
Every component of Ruth's life had made her perfect for God's repurposing of all of her broken pieces (that typically would be an immense handicap in the midst of this world's economy) and place her in God's mysterious eternal plan for His Glory and our good.

"Uniquely prepared by life's experience to be repurposed for the Will of God amidst the conflict of spiritual forces at work in the struggle for the souls of men"
Have you trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior? 
Are you feeling the inequities and injustices in the Kingdom around you? 
Do you hurt with the hurts of others? 
You are strategic; He has and is repurposing you ... You are called to potential discomfort to bring comfort where HE CALLS YOU .... DAILY! 

The promise is this 
... If God calls us to come beside an embittered one, we will have to have a thick skinned prayer life ... We will have to fight back a river of curses, with many of them seeming to be aimed at us but hang in there - "Though weeping may endure for a night season... Joy comes in the morning." 
... We will be part of God's amazing plan to work all things together for the good of "those who are the called according to His purpose" 
... We will be those who will hear "Pray as touching" 
... We will be those who "Comfort with the comforts of God whereby we keep on being comforted." ... We will experience being "more than conquerors" through Jesus Christ. 

Psalm 54:7 - "For He hath delivered me out of all trouble: and mine eye hath seen His desire upon mine enemy." 

For you, I'm quietly waiting,
For you, I'm weakened by the wonder,
Of you, I know the weight you're under
When He's calling your name.
For you, my heart is breaking ... 
For you ... Oh please listen to the Voice of God.



Call me Mara

"And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me." Ruth 1:20 She had no idea that God had a greater plan, a plan that was far beyond the imagination of men. Fact though: when delight is stripped naked by bitterness, unbelief easily wraps its arms around the broken one bringing its chains of despair. But He, who is altogether lovely in His plans for His kids, is perfect in His deliverance ... if only the darkened eyes will turn to acknowledge His light. 

From out of the far end of the hallway of overwhelming depression, walked a lonely and broken but resolved encourager; and together... Bitterness and Friendship locked hearts for the hope of future delights. They would move forward into the light of Faith's amazing journey, while slowly sensing a resolve that the journey was not about them. The journey's blessing would extend beyond their earthly existence, and Ruth, an outcast, would become and known as one of the direct ancestors of the Messiah (but generations after her time). 

We never know this fully, BUT His plans for us are always beyond our wildest dreams. "Delight thyself also in the LORD, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart". Ruth's story is not an isolated event that has no significance to our lives today. She must have known in her heart that she had joined herself to a family that was destined by the delights of the God of Israel. She was chosen by a son of Israel for marriage, and his banner over her was love, but short lived. 

Although she was an outcast, a "less than desirable" with an estranged heritage... Illegitimacy was involved in her nationality; but she was brought into this blessed family and no doubt cherished that relationship even when that connection seemed severed by the loss of her Father n law and her husband in one fell swoop. There was potential comfort and purpose awaiting her if she returned to her people; but her desire was drawn by the wisp of eternity's sweet essence. 

The prospects of the present was to be the walk with her widowed Mother n law, who at best was embittered due to the events that had waylaid them both. 

The past was like a snuffed candle with a very limited time for its smoke to arise. The present was in the hands of a Kindred Redeemer who didn't even know they existed yet. And the future was where the future always is... behind the veil of promise but encircled both by the birds of song and birds of prey.

Isaiah 53:1-3 - The struggle ... A faith that founded on the appearance of success and prosperity for its proof will flounder miserably in the reality of a God who values the uprooted, the dry ground, the common, the outcast, and the insignificant... Prophetically like Jesus.

Psalm 45 - The vision of the Beauty of the King Beyond ... 

John 14:1-3 - Planning for us beyond the devastation, but the perfect rescue of the Cross ... 

We may momentarily want to be called Mara (bitterness), but He has sent another Comforter ... let Him walk us through the Vale... we will find ourselves in the Field of Blessing. 



Recover the Smile

"O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence, and be no more." Psalm 39:13

While the King was measuring his life by the precepts of the scriptures, he glanced at those bowing before him in fain adoration. He noticed the dagger-like looks at him... coming from the dark corners of the room ....while they thought he was not looking; but he held his tongue. While he was musing, he began to hear, within his heart, one of the sweet songs of praise that he had written while under the stars of the Bethlehem sky not that long ago keeping watch over sheep.

As the song played in his heart, a fire was kindled and began to burn within him ... Then he spoke: "Lord, bend my focus to know that I have an end, that I am not eternally invincible, and help me to begin to value my days. In that valuation, let me know my frail nature against the backdrop of your awesome eternal power. I stretch out my hand and realize that my life in my hands is not much longer than that fragile span, and that my age is nothing when I measure that against You; for every man in his most excellent moment is nothing more than nothing." 

And the song played on as he bowed his spirit in a broken and all but crushed worship. Reality opened an assault on his lust of the flesh, his lust of the eyes and his pride of life. He saw that his walk, as well as all other men, was without eternal substance and significance; and his pious quiet moments, while shuffling proudly through his riches was a vain exercise because those riches would no doubt end up being gathered by strangers. The king also realized that every stroke that bruised his life, every backhanded blow of cruel correction, every rebuke for his stepping aside when no one was watching ... Was beginning to dry him up and all of his superficial glory was consuming away like the dry dead moth dust. And why... because he had learned the sweet taste of stolen bread and the numbing deathlike peace of the sleep under the strong drink of this worlds delusions. 

"Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; hold not Thy peace at my tears; for I am a stranger ... with Thee, and a sojourner ... As all my fathers were."

The King's brokenness was real as he called out to God -"O spare that gaze that can cast me away, look and consider me; that I may recover the strength of my smile which is Thy smile, before I try to move one step more ... For without your help to recover the joy of Thy salvation, I will be no more." 

We dress in solidarity and we act in uniformity. We are proud of our conformity, though lost in purposeful ambiguity and pompous regality. "The wretched cause" has controlled us in our choice of identity to the point ... that we think that our stubborn appearance tells all on-lookers that "we are strong and we are right"; but in reality, even the simple see that we look exactly like the spoiled, selfish children that we are. Like the long line the misguided actors that are added to failing history, we take our stand like so many other white washed mausoleums that have stood against the storms of time; but inside our hearts are sullen, rotting and fading as we draw further away from His eternal provision of real and lasting Grace Life. The Smile of God is Gone! 

"O Spare us, that we may recover Your Smile."



Only a Song

Hey Tenderhearted Believer ... 

Here is something for a breath - a little visit into His-tory – Pray before you read and listen with your heart --- this will take about 10 -15 minutes of your time but give you a special blessing when it is all said and done. 

Jeremiah 2:34 -"Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these." 

(With all the current ongoing conflict over the precious lives of the unseen ones in the womb, it is worth the visit to a time when the world was not too much different 23-24 years ago - we are living in the increasing birth pains of the Second Coming of Christ): In 1995 a Senior at Chambersburg Area Senior High school (Joshua Redding) … wanted to impact his school for Jesus. He had started the first “Bible Club”, and was enjoying the liberty of the Mission field that he found both in a store front mission, "pizza" ministry(that God had placed on his and his Dad's heart), and the Halls of his High School (after leaving a Christian School situation). 

In this challenging senior year … He entered the yearly school talent show, but not without a fight. The Song he had chosen had a very brave and stark message that he wanted to deliver to his classmates and potentially the world (a world around him that seemed to be hardening its heart to the cries of the innocent). Due to this message, it was blocked in its original form because of the obvious “Prolife” message, but with the help of his “Pastor” Dad, we worked a compassionate compromise that widened the scope – “Child Abandonment and Abuse”. With the rework of a few key words no one blocked his performance – BUT the now broadened Message pierced far more hearts than can could have been expected. 

During the passionate brokenness of the performance ...Teachers, administration, and the student body was actually moved in the moment. And a key, unseen event, had now made an indelible mark on the ears of the listeners. One miracle in question was how a single song would actually lead to the salvation of a star CASHS athlete named Jason? 

Jason was in the audience as Joshua performed and was deeply moved by the song and the overtly encouraging response given by the whole auditorium. He, like most of the student body and teachers, groaned with disappointment when Joshua did not take first place. Jason left the auditorium with the words almost haunting him ... "Let me live, I know I can, let me live, let me live ... one more day!" 

Weeks later, alone in a family cabin... totally depressed and out of control because of his secret addiction ...with no one to witness but the family cabin, Jason raised a gun to his temple … unexpectedly, the song that he had heard just weeks ago ...at that very moment ... began to play softly but surely to his soul. The words brought clarity and determination to his disillusioned heart – “Let me live, I know I can - let me live - I know I want to; let me live, I know I can- let me live- I know I want to ... I want to live, live, one more day; I want to live... one more day !”… the gun lowered. 

Just a song, sung passionately by a red headed classmate in an all but rigged talent show … stopped a horrendously catastrophic tragedy that would have ended the life and the future of a soul for whom Christ died for, and potentially eternally. BUT THE SONG BECAME HIS CRY . As he laid the gun down and walked toward the cabin door, hope filled his heart "that something was going to change" - he would be rescued; and He immediately called his parents, and soon after, willingly, entered a rehab. 

God's plans are always so amazing! Later in the year, … and definitely not knowing all of the story yet; the Franklin County Coroner, called and asked me if I would visit a potentially demonically influenced Teen that just got out of rehab (by request of his parents). Note: This was actually not an unusual request from Ken because he would ask for my help more than once, to team up in situations like this. What was unusual was that this was my first day back to work, after my Colon-Cancer-Surgery-Time in the hospital (still recouping). The Coroner actually offered to pick me up after work (I still wasn't fully healed enough yet to drive myself) so that we could go visit this young man. (It actually kind of freaked out the company where I worked when I told them to pray for me... "the Coroner is picking me up after work" (then I told them why). 

Jason was ready and waiting for us to arrive ... 

After a few moments of sharing the Gospel with him, Jason bowed his head and asked Jesus into his heart. Immediately after his prayer he looked directly at me and asked 
"Your last name is ... Redding?" 
I answered "Yes?" " 
He continued "Are you related to a red haired guy named Joshua Redding?" 
Again I answered "Yes?" 
He immediately began to weep and tell of the event in his family cabin, the gun he had pointed at his head, and Joshua's talent show song coming to his rescue... 
– The God connection was overwhelmingly evident... between Joshua and the song, and that I was Joshua’s Dad, and I had arrived here in Jason's home leading him to the One who brought the song to his rescue. We bowed our heads again in joyful thanksgiving. 

All the time the Coroner (who was always a little fearful because of some of his past incidents with pretty scary stuff) was quietly watching on, and was still worried of Demonic influences, even after hearing this miraculous display of the extravagant plans of God's Grace; He held up a small metal cross in front of Jason's face and challenged him to read the inscription on the cross, and to read it out loud. 

Jason reached out and took the cross and read the inscription, "Jesus Christ is LORD!" ... Jason smiled like a little child on Christmas day, and said "So cool, can I get one of these?" The Coroner wrapped his arm around Jason's shoulder, totally relieved, and said "Sure, you can have that one, my new found brother". We prayed and all went on our ways rejoicing. 

That was 1995... Today, Mawcore, with our music ministry of hope driven rock music, ... is thinking of resurrecting this song written in 1995; and in up-n-coming days... we are hoping to be gather a team to pray, and a team to re-sculpt and to appropriately re-orchestrate this song that cries for The Innocents. ... Our hope is to make a mark, by awaking hearts to care in the rescue of these little ones, who are being murdered without a voice to be heard. There is a broader announcement coming for Mawcore... In a little over a day ... please stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for the announcement --- join us... be a part of the Wellspring. 

If you would like to be part of the potential team of prayer warriors as we move forward please respond to this message...and to the announcement coming. If you do, you will be hearing back from us ... Even if you don't respond, please PRAY with and for us. 

It has been said lately: The two most dangerous places to be - in the uniform of a Police Officer and in the womb of an expectant mother. The police need our support and have a voice, but innocent ones are dying daily ... and their voice needs to be heard. "Let me live, let me live, let me live ... one more day!" 

"For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life. But I trusted in Thee, O LORD, I said, Thou art my God. My times are in Thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me." Psalm 31:13,14,15 Or as Phil Keaggy put it in his song The Survivor - "You are my God...deliver me from the solution that they have planned" 


PS - Please feel free to forward the link to this devotion to any tenderhearted brothers and sisters that you think may be encouraged. http://seetheseams.blogspot.com