Eternity's Glance

During the year's reading and daily reading of the Word - He will always wind my heart back to this Psalm:

"O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise Him all ye people.""For His merciful kindness is great toward us:""And the truth of the LORD endureth forever.""Praise ye the LORD." Psalm 117

There were tears in the eternal eyes of the Creator as He looked at the memory of salvation's moment: There He was standing, holding His tiny beloved in His strong arms. As they gazed out over the colorful promises of Abundant Life's extravagant flowing countryside, He spoke softly in her ear of the firm but gentle words that would hold her love secure... well beyond the torrential storms of life and well into the future beyond. With one hand on His shoulder, She fearlessly and lovingly tasseled the hair on the back of His head, while they both breathed in the mutual refreshment of the moment's vision.

The memory would never fade with Him; but time and the cares of this world had moved His beloved's thoughts from her first love reflex to be held and tassel His hair. Though He knew that it was just a momentary passageway, He also knew that His love would always draw her back into His Arms. His merciful kindness was the powerful sustaining gift that not only would endow His beloved with the fullness of His goodness, but also the security ... that He would fully bear any and all shame and reproach that she would acquire as she walked this earthly sod. He would never leave nor forsake His little one, His beloved.

Thinking of Psalm 117 - Why would all the nations and all the people be called on to "shine brightly" their boastings about the LORD? What is there about the LORD to boast about that personally causes the hearts of men to want to praise Him? It is found buried not deep from the surface of our heart's searching.

"His merciful kindness is great toward us"... His "Merciful Kindness" is the Great Exchange with the power to replace our reproach and shame with His Truth of Love that endures forever." ... This is mercifully miraculous ... Knowing this causes us to shine his praises. This is offered to all. ("He came unto His own, and His own received Him not ... But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the Son's of God, even to them that believe on His Name: Which were born, not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God. "John 1:11-13) Not a gift of deep theology, but of deep and lasting connection.

Sad are the sons of men who are enamored by the pyritic glitter and fading value of this temporal world's devises, only to find that the enamoring blinds them hopelessly, and firmly chains them to the constraints of fallen creation. Who then to prove their own righteousness ...they become burdened by the legal restrictions that are misunderstood of the Eternal Word, they view God as an impersonal myth that is part of religion's opiate mixture that dupes that masses of naïve humanity, and they fall deep into denial that they are lost.

The bottom line is that these "clouds without rain" have problems with a vision of a loving God... Who would truly, actively and powerfully involve Himself in the affairs of men. This notion, of faith without works, scares them because it brings a loving accountability from the hearts of believers, not a life of earned reward that totters on the edge of guilt.

Further impudence may be thrown in to a related notion that this same God would bear mankind's reproach and shame in exchange for the reception of His Merciful Kindness through His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ. It is way too easy!!!

Grab the snap shot -- Trust that "He that believeth on the Son has everlasting life". Believing is not a work, it is a childlike response to the obvious light of Love given from the gracious, compassionate and righteous Heart of God.

Psalm 112:4 - "Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous." His name is Jesus!!!



Enjoy being held by Eternity's Love... and be lavished by His promises.

Calling All Derelict Encouragers

The wind came rushing into the abandoned room, blowing the dusty sheer curtains almost parallel with the ceiling. As the curtains whipped against the framework of the room, dust was loosened from all of its hiding and resting places creating a literal filth snow storm within the atmosphere of the once dedicated space.

Within the vertical and horizontal wisps of the awakened particle dance and dust air painting, you could almost see the images of the past trying to resurrect within the ache of the missing passion that once filled that holy place with its vivid connection with Eternity. They met Jesus there, didn't they? Why is it in such abandon and dilapidation today?

I ache when I see old boarded up, disintegrating church buildings ... I even have stopped to cry and pray for this corner of the Kingdom. Was "Ichabod" written here - "The Glory is departed!"
  • - Could it had been kept clean and tidy, but never really dedicated to the rescue of the outcasts, the broken, the lame, the maimed, the blind, the lepers and outcasts ... Sinners?
  • - Could there have been open or secret immortality within the leadership that deteriorated the foundation?
  • - Could there have been a growing and public despising of the sacrifices of God, because there was a forceful, selfish, grabbing of the sacrifices by those ministering ... while the sacrifices were still raw on the alter?
  • - Could there have been an aging, sad and lonely vision-less congregation who believed that a new birth revival was no longer an option?
  • - Could it have been abandoned for a larger growing vision? Hopefully.

Mark 5:1,2 - "And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the Country of the Gadarenes. And when He, Jesus, was come out of the ship, immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit."

With a place with a name like Gadara, meaning "a reward at the end" who would think it would be a place where one would be found out of his mind and beyond help (like Las Vegas???) ... Known as the uncontrollable and uncontainable Maniac, he was all but gone, cutting himself and crying away ...night and day in the tombs. Uncontrolled by human captures, but controlled by a multitude of Demons: insomuch that when Jesus asked the spirit what was his name ... They answered "My name is Legion: for we are many."

(Now don't get too offended) In the safety of our lip service "churches without walls" - there is no place for this type of individual; who best be kept outside the walls (that are not there?) The typical dress up, sit up, fess up, sing up and "be blessed" churches, do not have either the latitude nor the longitude for this type of Risk. In fact, the latest risk assessment plans profile the Derelict as "off limits".

Think about it: there was no way to bring him in - we have no "rope and chain force" in "the crazies" ministries. And "all" within the walls would be at risk of harm. We would simply be safer and happier with putting ropes around the tombs and keeping him there. We have no vision for this unstable element of society... Trust me, if you were to rush him into the typical sanctuary, all Hell would break loose because of the acute change needed to fit in our typical Christian sub-culture.

HEY let's face it - the Church is filled with people who are basically OK, or who are now ok because they were given the chance to experience the fullness of the Sacrifice of Jesus. Somewhere, "the Derelicts" had met "Jesus"; and the followers of Christ (who were wise enough) gave them time and familiar space to testify of the "God-Change" that was gifted them from Above.

What vision process was given to this man, Legion, whose life was ransacked by Hell?
  • - Jesus unchained him from his demonic influence... This was God's Compassionate Miracle!
  • - He and His followers - clothed him, calmed him and taught him.
  • - Though his desire was to join in the subculture that was following Jesus... so "that he might be with Him": "Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but said unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee." Mark 5:19.

Take note Church ... In the heart of a "Saved Derelict" is the seed for a ministry, but probably not to your design expectations, nor under your nearsighted leadership, nor in your "success-limited" time allotment, and probably not in your "well purposed" worship space ...

In fact, if you think that you can control this kind of movement of the Spirit, you have no clue of the grief that may take place ... that could begin to derelict you if you have not prepared your heart for "failings and fallings".

Take heart: "And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel." Mark 5:20

Calling all Derelict Encouragers - Give God the Glory!!



Encouragers -- Read 2 Corinthians 4: 1- 8,9,10 - 18

The Garden of Hope

There are many times in our walk with the Lord that we face unexpected painfully disruptive endings. And then we begin to wrestle with a new beginning, not flesh and blood. This is where one season may end in an emotional devaluation or with a spiritual and mental crash. Though the next season may be filled with promise of a "new day" ... There seems to be little helping the cloud of darkness and the feeling of abandonment and uselessness that sets in. BUT HELP IS NEAR because of Emanuel(God with us).

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believeth thou this?" John 11:25,26

In verse 27 Martha replied unto Him, "Yes Lord: I believe that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world." ... Saying this she went "her way" and told her sister, Mary, secretly, that Jesus was calling for her.

Although He is "Now" effectual in all things... that we need "Now" and "For Ever", His working in our lives is not dependent on our fragile ability to understand what will happen next. Martha truly believed in what she knew to be currently possible. She could hear His words, and faith would take her right to Jesus. She could even hyper-faith to the future promise; but a resurrection now? Her brother rise now, after he had been dead for 4 days?

We just don't get it and won't get it .. The strongest and firmest in their faith for a miracle for others, seem so broken... when change that brings insecurity... knocks on their door. BUT THAT IS OK... Martha knew where to put the weight of her faith ... NOT ON THE MIRACLE, but on JESUS. Cry out to Jesus!!

Psalm 97 - Declares the power of the Presence of our God who reigns ... The entire world that we know is shaken at His presence - Mystery surrounds Him, fire goes before Him, lightnings and thunder start the trembling, hills melt while the Heavens declare His righteousness ... (Those who worship anything other than Him ... Have no concept of Him). The closer we walk to Him the more we hate evil and seek deliverance for others because ...He only has the power to deliver out of the "hand of the wicked".

BUT to all who are His declared "righteous" and recreated "upright in heart": there will come those times of "worthless, unsettling, seemingly unfair ... change" ... But He has a garden that He has planted ahead of time for such a moment. It is a strange garden compared to the gardens that grow produce that ripens and then begins immediately to rot.

It is a garden carefully chosen by the Father, soil upturned by the Son's Nail Scarred Hands, watered by the promise of His Word, purified by the blood of the Lamb, fully secured by His Resurrection and freely offered by the Spirit to those who believe: "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous: and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness." Psalm 97:11,12

Two awesome gifts grow from this Garden of Hope - Light and Gladness. When things get dark, draw from Light that has been planted for you. When you see your life in the talons of hopelessness draw on the Gladness of His promises planted ahead of time for you.

For the "current day believer", we may never feel the fullness of the loss felt by the disciples at the crucifixion of Jesus ... That event brought extreme fear and devastating change... But to exercise our imaginations to feel is not a waste. Seek to feel their loss.

Being fully alive in Christ is one of the greatest assets of this life in Him. Pray with all prayer heightened in our awareness by praise and thanksgiving for all things ... Knowing that ALL things work together for good to them that love Him, The Called according to His purpose ... in this garden of Hope. He will walk into your darkness ... He will bring light and gladness if you let Him. Be ready to greet him and worship Him immediately and accordingly.

One of the first encounters after the resurrection had "the welcome" to this Garden of Hope ... Mathew 28:9 ... We read Jesus' word to the grieving women returning from His empty tomb  as ... "All Hail!" reality...the word is "Rejoice! Be Glad! Spin in dance!" And they fell at His feet and worshipped Him.

Take a moment and read Psalm 98 -- and looking to Heaven ... Breathe in to be ready to sing a new song!!! It is coming - He is coming ... He is here!

Come into His Garden of Hope.



The Last Night of 3 Days and 3 Nights

We can only scratch the tip of the emotions that must have been battering the lives of those chosen men and women that had followed so closely in the steps of Jesus. Such amazement, such glory shared in those days of following Jesus ... Reality had been a blessing filled with daily promise and revelation of a loving connection with the Creator.

Passover(although they had gone over this 2x before) was strangely personal and emotional this time. From the "just as He said" Royal Donkey descent into the whirlwind of the Temple confrontation, to the "just as He said" upper room Passover dinner, it was almost like a cloud of revelation seriousness was gripping ever so tightly to the moments with Jesus. He was talking as if this was the last moments and their temporal security was weakening. The disciples were completely on the edge of denial. Faith was sent out on a runaway train that was taking down everything in its path and there was no turning back..."Just as He said!"

Praying in the garden for the last time ... Jesus was extremely focused. His disciples now no longer had the strength to stand by and comfort as sleep became their moment's relief from reality. But that sleep was short lived and was blown into a life threatening crowd of soldiers, who burst onto the scene to take Jesus on His death walk. So confused was the moment - a sword swung and an ear fell (and was returned to the head of the owner - strangely, the last physical healing miracle); positive ID was blurred by the inability to stand up when Jesus spoke "I AM"; a traitor's kiss verified the ID while a request to let the disciples go was secured; and Jesus was led away without resistance by His captures to face a penalty that we could not, but definitely deserved.

The surreal nature of the movie frames moving ahead had his closest followers moving further and further from the scene; only "the Beloved Disciple, John" remained close enough to hear that he was to be the surrogate son to care for Jesus' mother. All others kept their distance fearing that identification with Jesus would warrant a cross for them also.

The Image of the conquering King was tarnished and blurred by: a deadly cat-o-nine tails beating, a bloodied royal robe of mockery, a crown of thorns beat deep into His brow, a mock trial with only cruel intent, a mob led crowd mindlessly screaming "Crucify Him"; and an ominous cruel rugged cross raised to the sky with a barely recognizable human image in His last hours of embarrassingly wicked suffering... All this threw a veil of discouragement over any previous promises of "resurrection." ... it could not have even entered the imaginations filled with grief.

On that cross, from the vantage of non-connected distant followers, was the death of deliverance from the Roman rule; but to the perception of Heaven ... This was the consecrated sacrifice... the only hope for salvation of believing mankind. This was that moment that defined eternity, by delivering believers from the penalty of an eternal Devil's Hell. Sin would be paid in full and believers would be gifted eternal life.

BUT - the darkness, grief, fear and "hope lost" was closing in for the kill of faith of the cowering followers of Christ. In those three days and three nights a sealed tomb announced that "it was finished"... Didn't Jesus succeed to the hopelessness also with His words declared from the cross "It is finished!"?

The next day, a great while before the sun had come up, an Angel of the Lord, gloriously bright, Descended from Heaven and tossed aside the stone that sealed the tomb, and sat on it ... terrifying the temple guards who set watch over the tomb. Later to the "Marys" it was proclaimed - "He is not here, come and see ... for He has risen ... Just as He said."

"It is finished" was not a losers last pitiful whine ... Now all hearts would hear the glad news of "He is Alive", and realize it as the victors cry ... and can claim it with the full power of His resurrection to move forward against the very gates of Hell, and proclaim His Grace, the rescue, to all who will hear.

Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is risen, just as He said.


Proclaim the blessing of the Resurrection! 
... Happy Easter, April 1, 2018

