Someone is Looking On

A New Year is at our door... A new opportunity, for a second chance... For all! O by the way, every new moment, every new breath is a fresh opportunity to leave the past behind, and walk aligned with the thinking of God. O to Walk with God aware of His full Blessings!

It all starts with a total reliance on God's Word -- it has been said: "God says it, that should settle it!" Many of us read only the scripture that confirms our life style and keeps us from the discomfort of knowing that God may be saying something contrary to our liking. Because of willful, addictive choices, we find ourselves at a growing distance from the Word of God (rarely will we read it, and if we know it is being read, we tune it out). This is intensified as stronger desires for things that we know are "wrong" over take us. Instead of hi-lighting the scripture that destines good change and receiving it, we avoid it like the plague, creating a black sharpie note in our minds that says "note to self: avoid this truth".

Here is one of those verses that are very unpopular with generations that seek to be anesthetized on the Eve of a New Year, and long to impair their senses all in the name of celebrating:

"And be not drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18

(Go ahead ... Read it again ... Carefully ... I double dog dare you!)

Here is the most pitiful statement that I have heard from pulpits lately - The Bible doesn't ever say "don't drink". How stupid are we? Remember this: Most stupidity is self inflicted by choices that run against the grain of wisdom.

(By the way: This chapter in Ephesians is an amazing attempt by God to give us every opportunity to break the chains of addiction and be free to experience the amazing life that He has for us; but... Have we shut down the blessings as we skip the "obvious" of this verse to... do our own thing?) Step back and read this chapter, and "Be ye followers of God, as dear children" ...vs.1

How many verses does it take in Scripture to give clear direction? ONE? 
And What do we do with entire chapters and long passages that obviously stand obstinate against our choices for personal pleasure (at the expense and risk of others ... Oh yeah, that child is in the baby seat as you drive impaired... But that's ok, you can handle it.) ??

And how many ecclesiastic dances are performed behind pulpits and in fellowship groups ... fueled by "modern enlightenment conversations" --- drink vs drunk, wine, strong drink, beer, booze, spirits, "we are now more educated", better translations, spiritual liberty jabber, wiser now, we must be socially adaptive in message???? ... How many sliding notes need to be sung to tip toe around the obvious accident scene or premature addiction related death ... as we toast to another family member who may also be taken prematurely by irresponsibility ... on the part of their own self-affliction or someone else's vise ... who thought they were in control, though impaired ... THIS IS JUST WRONG!

"Alcohol-Related Deaths: An estimated 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. First being tobacco and the second just plain old bad eating and bad health habits." But these are just statistics on reported incidents -- How many of us have had family members die - and/or their lives were shortened because an addiction to alcohol and drugs? Of all people, we should be the first to stop the drink!

LET's get this one straight before we tip the cup of poison to our lips to join the party already in progress.

There are no contradictions in scripture ... Just misinterpretations and misrepresentations by fearful teachers and quietly rebellious followers ...

A clarification Ephesians 5:18 for lovers of the Word: -"Qualify your decision to be filled with the Spirit by not following a life style that is wasted on wine intoxication... Be NOT intoxicated with an alcoholic beverage wherein life is wasted, but BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD(sorry you can't have both)"

Now the verses following Ephesians 5:18 are purposeful in the Spirit ...BUT with a "boozed slant" they are ludicrous - Try to sing Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs that come from a pure melody of unity of heart and spirit while inebriated. Try truly loving in submission while impaired. Booze is the best ingredient for true love, and great at keeping marriages together. Beer and wine is a great ingredient for raising obedient drunken children... Mom and Dad did it so it must be ok, they are Christians, right? Drunken parents never scar their abused children. Drunken employees are always the best workers, and booze keeps workplace accidents to a minimum. AND drunken, disrespectful employers make great leaders and create good work environments. And of course - Drunks are the best citizens and church members... DO YOU SEE ANYTHING OBSCENELY SAD and STUPID ABOUT BOOZE?

Let's begin 2018 by listening to God and leaving disobedience behind.
Let's Follow God as dear children.
Let's leave the "stupid" behind and move forward into the full blessings of God.

"Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."

You may sense you are ok with a drink or two ... but trust me(or Him) ... you are the best without it.

Happy New Year -- Welcome prayerfully - 2018!
Someone is Looking On!



"Pray-in" the New Year, don't "party-in" the New Year... Break the Chain!!

Do you want to see?

I don't think we want to "really see" sometimes ... I think we would sooner choose blindness of the mind than have our souls truly set on fire by the revelation of truth. The sum of earth bound mankind would rather have their "childlike attributes" tickled by tales of fairies and dwarves that magically drizzle blessings and miracles in their passing on good little boys and girls, than to have their perception challenged by the glimpses of glory that flash from Heaven like life changing solar flares of Grace's story unfolding. As we grow older we realize that we have built our taste for magic on the obscenely erroneous tales from the imaginations of mere mortals rather than diving in to the lasting riches of glory found in the eternal words of scripture.

I am not asking us to turn off the wide-eyed wonder of a child ... But I am urging us to build our excitement and anticipation for the miraculous on more than just twinkling lights, glittering balls, tinsel, bows and wrapping paper; let's fasten our hearts on the amazing mystical character of God: who loved the unlovely enough to hold back the horrendous destructive tide of righteous judgment by sending the most unexpected rescue ... "A babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger".

The story actually started in the eons of eternity ... Long before the earth was ever formed ... Long before a peaceful garden was disturbed by the selfish and deadly choices of the crown of God's creation. The Father, Son and Spirit ... Elohim ... Purposed eternal love, engaged the purest wisdom, and launched Mercy, Grace and Truth into action. For mankind needed a rescue.

NOW ... Allow me to fast forward with commentary that draws cool flowing refreshment from The healing well of God's Word:

"And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name as Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, "Hail, thou art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." And when she saw him she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the Angel said unto her, " Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God." "And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS." "He shall be great, and shall be called Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of his father David." " And He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end". Luke 1:26-33

Imagination time: Years have come and gone, generations have come and then passed with the winds of time. Rebellion is still the way of life for most and the devoted few are all but gone. The Shofar has blown every year, to begin every day, but for the Sabbath, in the month of Elul. The cry of repentance and the desire for forgiveness has been raised to the Highest. But only now at the intersection of the lives of these conquering earthly kingdoms is there an almost oppressive feeling that something is about to happen.

A little one, a virgin ... unseen in her devotion ... has her world turned upside down when a Mighty Heavenly Warrior delivers a message the will cause the ages to pivot in an eternal decision. She chose to be the handmaid of God at the risk of social shunning and possible death. Now all the grace and glory of the ages is packed into a stealthy plan of attack on the kingdom of darkness. And at the time appointed Light will spring on an unsuspecting enemy... this Light will rescue the captives of darkness.

Now...Caesar Augustus... decreed that all the world should be "taxed" ... Pay to play census. Oh the arrogance of worldly kings -- tax "all the world" as if it was his. God uses the arrogance of wickedness to pull the final details of the plans of eternity together ... All the while the earthly leaders are blinded by their own ambitions.

After an approximately 100 miles, 8-10 day journey, "Great with Child", no room in the inn, bedding down in a cave-like stable ... A Star appears, a small baby's cry is heard, Angels announce the event to shepherds ... The shepherd worship ... And the rescue begins in a feed trough and ends up at an empty tomb.

Ages later, although the hype of materialism does a pretty good job of distorting the message of hope, the "Spirit's Song of a Soul Set Free" is unstoppable. Hearts still held at the gate of the spiritual jail cells are waiting to be set free. Jesus is still availing the rescue ... With a small broken prayer to trust Him, Heaven is opened even to the vilest of sinners. Christmas has come.

It is 2017 - and toward the end of our Elul ... forgiveness is available, where will your heart focus for the new year coming?



Reference Section for the Studious:
Sixth month - "Elul" - the Shofar is blown on the first day and everyday day after except for the Sabbaths of this month until Rash Hashanah, first day of the following month, beginning of the Jewish New Year. During Elul - Psalm 27 was a focus as well as prayers for forgiveness-- The Shofar (Rams Horn) would blow calling men to "make a noise" Call all to Repentance(August-September time frame). Finding a Tender Heart.
Angel - Messenger one who is sent, envoy - Fit to deliver the seriousness of the message.
Gabriel - Warrior, Man of God - Forged to show strength.
Galilee - Circuit, turning and returning - Following a well worn path.
Nazareth - the guarded one - 100 miles from Bethlehem - Fending off rivals.
Virgin - marriage able, sexually pure woman or man - Found in God's favor.
Joseph - "Let him add" - increase - Fulfilling, submissively, the prophetic increase.
House of David - Dwelling of the Beloved - Following divine promise.
Mary - "their rebellion" - Found faith in the midst of the noise.
Lord - "Kurios" - supreme authority, ruler - Fact of final decision.
Jesus - "Jehovah is Salvation" - Face of God's Grace and Mercy with men.
Son of the Highest - Full eternal connection and privilege as The Son of the Most High God.
Father David - Father of the genetic line of the Beloved.
House of Jacob - the Dwelling of the Supplanter... forcefully opens salvation to all.


Beloved...O the vastness of the tearing chasm that is created in my heart when I see you struggle so. My tears veil the encouraging rays of the sun just as if a massive relentless storm was upon us. Your tears swell in a caldron of ever increasing sadness that reflects the sorrow of your countenance upon the gray sky's closing of Heaven above.

Beloved ... And, O I hear you. I truly hear you... As your words, driven by pain, cut away at the very fiber of my connected soul; and my tender Spirit, that perfectly interprets your groaning so, only magnifies your biting accusations to my hurt, while the echo of them ravages your spirit even more. Word by word are shattering your hope way beyond contrite, and the roaring truth of your situation lays naked your affliction before all gazers (or so you think, and to your constant embarrassment).

Beloved... I feel every broken and shattered chord of your rain dove song. You sing as one that feels they have lost all ability to hear My voice of promise, touting that the promises are there for all others "but not for you." I watch as you fall into the restless sleep of the abandoned pilgrim.

THIS MOMENT WILL VISIT US ALL ... But be still in the night and wait for the Light of His love, His Song in the Night Season ... Be still and know that He is God, and with this knowing begin to praise and bless the Lord, who has not left you no matter how harsh your disappointment was with Him in your Season of Affliction.

In a season of intense abandon and unearthly suffering, Jesus cried ..."My God, my God ... Why hast Thou forsaken me?" But later in His suffering Jesus signed ... "Into Thy hands I commit my spirit." and cried "It is Finished!"

Psalm 16:10, 11 - "For Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thine holy one to see corruption. Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures evermore."

Let the truth in the midst of the Psalm soak our soul ...
Jesus: Will not leave us in a place of no return,
He not leave us without the praise of God,
He will not send us to be punished with the wicked,
He will not totally abandon us, nor exile us...
No matter how far sin degrades us... He still holds us in priceless valuation.
In Christ ... We are His "separated" "praised" "possessions"
insomuch that we will never see the pit of destruction ...
We will never experience the grave of the lost ...
He took our Hell on Him, so that we can experience the fullness of His Joy and His "evermore" pleasures.

Don't let pain grind lies into your soul that cause you to hesitate trusting God... You are His Beloved!

He is calling your name... Beloved!

Almost Merry Christmas 2017!!



Deactivation Guaranteed!

The Ecclesiastes Life under the sun, under the Heaven ... Life without any eternal perspective ... Life without a Door of Salvation ... Life with eyelids turned upward ... Even when this living is synchronized with a personal righteous endeavor and a sacrificial attitude ... If it is but a "life under the sun", and NOT LIFE "IN THE FAITH OF THE SON" ... It is vanity. It is uselessly wasted.

Never is there a guaranty of the next heart beat ... Never is there signed certification of immunity without incident ... Never a promise for tomorrow... Sometimes the normal brings with it a life threatening monster that swings the unseen and unwarned sting of death; and we are gone. And at that moment all the most advanced security measures, the most meticulously studied health propositions are found to be anemic. Any accumulated prestige, all the well gathered and garnered wealth and possessions, and all the best laid steps to reaching our dreams ... Deactivated and left behind!

"Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel be broken at the cistern." Ecclesiastes 12:6 " Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit return unto God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 12:7

... Why would Solomon paint the event that can deactivate man from life under the sun in such a poetic way? I truly think that if you take the time to read Ecclesiastes you will see "The Preacher" (every once in a while) allows the curtains of eternity to peek open momentarily by the wisp the Spirit's wind so that we would desire Heaven's perspective and not our own temporal tunnel vision.

"In God's hand" ... All positions, all possessions, all things related to success and failure, all information gathered for wisdom and foolishness ... Are in His hands. It is revealed that LOVE is also "in His hands" and stands out as something we can't begin to muster up or earn in a lifetime ... Real Love is in His hands. Does that threaten us?

He who fashioned us in His own image ... Knows what is best and is directed by His great love for us, to us and through us. If we are threatened, check to verify our connection."It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" ... Yes, there is a deactivation point for every thing on this side of Heaven... But just as sure as Winter buries the death of Fall ... Spring has always ushered in new life and hope of Summer.

If we hear the Voice of the Spirit in this entire matter, we will know that "in Christ", our Fall here may cause a Winter for those mourning around our shell that is left behind ... under the sun; but for those in the Son ... They rejoice in the Hope that We already have been ushered into the eternal Season of the Son.

"In His Hands" is not a Holy terror to those trusting... but an awe filled reverence ... So fear! - Live in awesome respect for - God; and keep, trust, guard and give life to His commands ... for they are His Love directions and life appointments that allow us to have Heaven opened to the eyes of our hearts. Doing is not always keeping (think about it). The Keeping is guarding within the assessment that the value is precious and priceless.

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and "keep" His Commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be bad." Ecclesiastes 12: 13, 14

Without Jesus ... There is no Way, No Truth and No Life and no Heaven ... And This brief stint on this terrestrial ball is the vanity of all vanities. Deactivation without Him is eternal death in a Devil's Hell. Why would we not choose to stand in awe and trust of His sacrifice that opens Eternity for you and me?

Deactivation here ... Reset ... Reactivation There ... Only in Christ.

