"Edenic Judgment Virus"

Holy crap! ... (What a way to begin a devotion!) How does that flair up your "Edenic Judgement Virus"? Edenic Judgement Virus? Yep! Probably the most invasive, devastating, and deceitful ... open infection that was passed on from the Fall. This goes so far below the genetic level, as it worms its way into the very fibers of human DNA, and it is irreversible without irreparable damage...it must be taken to the point of death. Someone has to die for the cure.

When the temptation went out from the adversary "You shall be like god's having the potential to determine what is good and evil" ... This was the beginning of the end of innocence. What a temptation! So slick in its delivery, so true and yet so indescribably wrong for the "lower than Angels" fabric of man. Anyone of us (put into this situation of the first couple) would have grabbed this benefit of the eating of the forbidden "proof fruit" in a heartbeat; but the consequences of their decision was humanly irreversible, spiritually crippling and physically deadly at the least.

Here are a few of the symptoms of this deadly sub-genetic virus when if flairs up:
1. A desire to hate and separate from the personally offensive difference of others.
2. An attitude of judge, jury, and hangman when it comes to dealing with the offenses of others.
3. A distancing reaction that always telegraphs "hatefulness" to our brethren or strangers that need us.
4. Sees "loving the offender" as a disgusting weakness or character flaw.
5. An almost uncontainable and explosive intolerance of the "perceived" and obvious sins of others.
6. An incorrigible reluctance to forgive, disguised as the right of one offended to a justifiable bad attitude.
7. A total blindside of a personal need for forgiveness all the time, everywhere and everyone.
8. A constant paranoid "360 degree" perception of the judgmental attitudes of those better or "Holier".
9. The unquenchable desire to see "God do something to make THEM sorry". (and the list goes on...)


Psalm 70: Vs. 1 - " [A psalm of David to bring to remembrance] Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O LORD." (
Stop and let us read this entire Psalm and let it begin to control the effects of the virus -- Our enemy is not others. We may be our worst enemy and God is our only ... our ONLY ... Deliverer; NOT we, ourselves ... We are far too infected and infested with personal opinions to be effective in delivering ourselves, let alone... helping others without His Love ruling our heart, mind, spirit, and strength.)

"Vs. 2 - Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.
Vs. 3 - Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha,aha.
Vs. 4 - Let those that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee: and let such as love Thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.
Vs. 5 - But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: Thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying."

I felt alone at a table that was set for a banquet of LOVE,
Waiting, longing and anticipating comforting wonders from Above.

The royal place settings began to shuffle and move by excuse;
Filled now were "the invited" with suspicious pride, and plunder's viral abuse.

There was a hush of silent shame at what the moment had become,
A terrified gasp at the nails, the thorns and the blood of the Sacrificed One.

For what heinous crime was this horror now on for despicable display,
But to quench my sin held deep within, both black and white, and gray.

NOW, Eden's fallen, prideful scar bowed before Love's Crimson Seat
As family and friends forgave as one at the sight of the Lamb's pierced hands and feet.

"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye kind, one to another. Tenderhearted, forgiving one another ... even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Eph. 4:31,32



No Disgrace

Psalm 55:21 - "The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords."

Their hearts were overwhelmed with the opportunity, in fact they were so excited because this was very much like a dream come true. As they waited off stage to meet the main performer, they could hardly stop their racing thoughts of how they would share this almost miraculous moment with all of their family and friends. The moment had arrived... Face to face and up-close and personal.

With the last explosive note of the concert and a shout of farewell, a torrent of individuals started flooding off of the stage ... There he was in the fog filled distance and growing closer...There was the Star, smiling and heading right toward the admiring fans. The smile stopped almost immediately upon reaching the fan club. There was a brief stop, a pen flashed out of nowhere and backstage passes were hastily signed with what sounded like a complaining growl from the Star... A shove out of the way by security, And it was over. No hand shakes, no thanks ... Not even an exchange of direct glances.

The moment truly lost value and was added to the ever expanding times where life here lets us down.

One thing can be counted on...if we depend on any thing in "this life" other than Jesus to bring lasting joy, we will be consumed with utter disappointment as quick as the newness fades. Not so with our God ... His joy is unspeakable and full of lasting glory... Great is His faithfulness and His mercies are new every morning. We worship a God that provides us with abundant life ... He will not let us down.

Consider His love investment on the Faith-Life-Side of the Cross - "He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings connected directly to Heaven" - "Because of our Cross connection, we have his predetermined securing through adoption" - "We are fully accepted among the beloved family with all grace, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom and prudence" " - "Because of Jesus we are predetermined to live within the full praise and purpose of His Love Design." - "He Gives us His Spirit...His Earnest, His Eternal Security Deposit on our lives to present us holy and without blame" --- we could go on and on ... But the bottom line is "HE LOVES US, OH HOW HE LOVES US - HE WILL NOT LOSE US" (Ephesians 1 is so powerful when you let the supply of love overwhelm your heart with security to live openly for Him).

Jesus' Words are not a topical butter momentarily providing fading comfort ... His Word is sure for all time and eternity because Love is in His heart for those who trust in Him. His Word's are not just a "soft feeling oil", but they are essential and permeating in their power to fully envelop the hearer in promise. His words are a two edged sword always ready to provide the most skilled rescue surgery; reaching into the soul, spirit, thoughts and intents of the heart, and joints and marrow ...for our good and His glory ... No stroke is provoked by uncontrollable anger and is never lowered without Divine Love's predestined purpose to secure us.

I waited at the veil for my Hero
at the edge of my dream
When the finale faded into fanfare
I felt for the veil's uttermost seam

Not a moment of fear while searching for His face,
For peace swept past the veil
As I pulled back on time and opened up space

I felt a soft refreshing spring glow
At the opening of His dream
When its caressing engulfed into care
I reached for eternity's innermost seam.

Waves of love pressing me, cheek to cheek, face to face
For love swept me past the veil
As He erased the scars of time and the distance of space.


"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorry, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Rev. 21:4



Beyond the Big Picture

Do you see the big picture of the God Story all through the Bible? God loved man so much that He foresaw "The Fall" that would condemn man, and became Salvation for him so that man could be totally restored to God in an Eternal Love Relationship through Jesus Christ. And though mankind since the Fall is born into the same sinful curse, through the Message of the Good News of Jesus' rescue, mankind can be redeemed by the reception of that message, by receiving Jesus.

Example: The context of Galatians 6:7-9 is restoration(not just God is gonna get you, but what you do for others is tantamount!) ...think it through. The will of God is the restoration of Mankind to himself through Jesus Christ. He has gifted this ministry to us also and empowers us through His Holy Spirit enabling us to reach, teach, rescue, and restore. This is all done within the strategic sphere of influence where He places us ... We are placed among a chosen people, in a particular place and with a gifted passion...Where God puts you to play, work, shop, walk, live, etc. ... is a God thing. Don't sell your God assignment short. Pity on you if you see God's assignment as "just a job" or just a "secular" job... Wow limit and handicap your scope of eternal usefulness!


Another inner world, shaken enough to be at odds against the stream of temporal life around it. Word's like "Non-responsive" , "critical", "stable" and "D.O.A." were being floated in the air like misshapen helium balloons, while experts with opinions of confusion kept anyone attached to the moment lost in the rhetoric. Once again truth seems to have fallen in the streets and hope was so deferred and had stooped so low it was hunchback. Faith was viewed as an alien or a specter of denial instead of a breath of true encouragement. Still all was well in His hands, all are cared for in His desire no matter what perspective could be hurled into the situation from fallen men.

Catastrophes that destroy the body of men from the inside out, and the devastating violence brought on in a split second crushing the shell, do not paint the "truth" picture of God's delivering love. Speculation of God's anger and judgment just fuel excuses for distance and separation between God and man, and these verbally abusive declarations rarely have eternal substance or connection, but they can scar and injure the faith of a suffering Saint.

Psalm 46 (from the vantage of the suffering non-responsive one or the one caught in a split second passing from darkness into eternal light): The sound of beeping and buzzing life support machines had faded in the distance; the agonizing pain is an ever fading distant memory, and the horrendous sound of the crushing of glass, plastic, metal and human flesh was now silenced in the Fog (the Favor of God) ... The declaration has rung true... though the present world is shaking, pulling and tugging not wanting to lose the struggle, fighting to not let go of the victim that appears to have lost the victory - "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" Psalm 46:1

Standing on the eternal shore, released from the bondage of the flesh ... And now sensing the strong sustaining currents of His eternal home ... The battered soul stands sure and protected: "Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah." Psalm 46:2,3

The roaring, the prayers, and the tears were like a diminishing choir behind a slowly closing curtain as the scene ahead became clearer ... God was there! ..."There is a a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High." Crossing the stream of gladness ... crossing from the darkness and pain into the Everlasting Home..."God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her and that right early." Psalm 46:4,5.

There was but a moment to pause to understand Mercy and Grace - "The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: He uttered His voice, the earth melted." All of Heaven's Family shouted in celebration of another pilgrim's arrival: "The LORD of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah."

We who are alive and remain cannot even begin to fathom the amazing things that God has prepared for those that wait on Him, those who actively love Him in anticipation of seeing Him face to face, who now stand before Him and are brought into His Everlasting Arms ... For We, who are left behind, stand at the wailing wall of an event of suffering and separation... We truly cannot see much beyond our grief.

Grieve, but not as the heathen who rage with blame against God when a catastrophe strikes:"Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations He hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breakers the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; He burneth the chariot in the fire." Psalm 46:8,9 --- The battle of the Soul will end in Him.

But O Soul in Christ, left alone on this side of the Veil - Grieve righteously by beholding the truth ... You will miss the loved one that has been taken ... But remember, this incident was not a tragedy, it was a rescue. Do not pretend that you need not grieve ... To not grieve is to deny God the opportunity to comfort us, and then the beauty of that outpouring of comfort ... being there to comfort others with the comfort that we have been comforted with."Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah." Psalm 46:10, 11

Both Manny and Danny found the fading moment of suffering, both found the stream of gladness, both found the Arms of God, both are now Home forever... we are left to the comforts of His Spirit. Be comforted!

God's peace be with you who are broken... Know this, you have not been abandoned ...You are strategically placed in this world with the power of His Spirit filling your shattered spirit and empowering your broken and contrite heart to live fully alive for the King!

Grieve as you must...but let Jesus comfort you... And live.



Dedicated to Pastor Manny Diaz in the presence of the King... April 3, 2017; and (D.J.) "Hoagie" Daniel Hogan, Jr. - in the presence of his Savior March 24, 2017.

Arriving at Gate 7

Please try hard again to hear the Still Small Voice, O tender broken-hearted Saint. God knows that your personal pain speaks ever so loudly, and confirms so assuredly with your disappointment ... that it is hard to "hear" the words of encouragement (let alone begin to "believe" those words). He knows that doubt has slithered its way into your life, convincing you that "it - doubt" is a permanent resident and a trusted gate keeper. God sees that doubt guards every access route to your heart to make sure that the Song of Hope has no opportunity to be heard. God has stood waiting while doubt speaks so loudly that hope is quickly squelched in a hellish confidence that boldly announces, "Healing is for others but not for you; for God has deemed you unworthy." He has watched you shift your faith in Him to a faith in things that continue to rip at the very fiber of your spirit.

"Oh lonely sojourner, gain balance in the fact that there is no testing, no tempering, no stressing of your life that is not common unto all sojourners." (1 Cor. 10:13a ) There will always be proof, if you so choose to accept it, that "you are significant" ... or why would God walk with you while "Why this is happening to me if He truly loved me?" The only thing God singles out His kids for is for the fortifying of our faith by His active, extravagant, loving care for each one of us ( and His care is not without purpose, it is for our good and for His glory).

175 passengers trying to squeeze into their enumerated pole positions, (60 at a pop) all trying to line up according to a Letter and a Number. Some sojourners were very irritated by the fact that their numerical placement was not what they had hoped for as others of "lower degree and social standing" were moving into placement before them.

There were commonalities created for this event which should have created unity:
1. All at one specified moment (but not a minute before that time) were subservient to a data entry time frame and a computerized response that reacted to their key strokes.
2. All would harbor some degree of suspicion of anyone that would move in front of them or try to squeeze awkwardly behind them without announcement verification of their personal assignment.
3. All would have to deal with those who would stand like guards at Buckingham palace, almost immovable, once they had secured their mostly vague place to stand in the lineup.
4. All brandished the proof of their standing either by a piece of paper or a digital facsimile.
5. All would move forward and eventually end up in the same destination ... no matter what.

[Note of interest: A seat was guaranteed but no particular seat was guaranteed... just a controlled variation of the old process of "first come, first serve".] Even though there was so much commonality, it didn't seen to eliminate the waves of anxiety. And what would the stressing gain as the acts of the event moved forward? "Nada!"

Although the different tension colors filled the scene like a strange unseen oppressive rainbow, there was no chance of a personal pot of gold at the end, only the looming promise of several hours of discomfort caused by what ever seating awaited beyond the gate. All for one and one for all.

Discomfort expectations were experienced as the line of assignees lumbered their way down a floating hallway-like Gang plank. There was another growing source of tension as the participants in this pageant were released into their vessel of constraint ... There was another promise of ... the invasion of personal space that was evidenced by the constant verbal reminder that announced "The fact" that every seat would be filled on this flight.

Finally with "All" seated in their personal emotional choices of the oncoming time of differential expectations and endurance levels... the flight in time and space... was now in the competent hands of The Captain. No turning back! 

In our flight of Faith it all boils down to "All for One and One for all." The "Captain of Your Soul" will keep you headed Due North... trust the author and finisher of your flight with the placement of your seat. He will see us through!



PS - In the midst of the flight keep this in your heart and mind - "And they will know that ye are My disciples if you have love one to another."