House of Love

Tattered and torn by the images of the past that are so indelibly engraved into the fabric of our soul, we find our selves helpless amidst the strewn lifeless bodies of other valiant but fallen warriors (our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood and His righteousness, We dare not trust the most awesomely sweet human frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name). Only One rises and stands stained and scarred but victorious over Death and the Grave; and Jesus is His Name. (On Christ the Solid Rock(Cliff) we stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.) And He stands calling all to life in His Name, and upon the "Cliff" of Eternity, He builds His House of Love.

If we have received His Call by faith, entered New Life by Faith, and now walk by Faith ...We are called to share the Story and be His Witness of the building of the House of Love. We are His witnesses...a witness has a message and a direction ... Witnesses to the Gospel of Christ move Forward and upward, they walk with circumspection...Though constantly pushed from behind by enemy, they are led by the Spirit, and never forsaken or left behind.... Jesus our their Cliff (always on the edge ... with the enemy threatening us ... with our feet on the ledge and our backs against the wall) and He is our ever-repositioning-defense.

What have we seen and what are we seeing? Although, it seemed that the most compassionate movement of God to proclaim the Good News of His rescue of mankind was thwarted by the mere hand off to fragile humans; it was by His grand design to create an ever unfolding miracle. This Miracle shines forth His amazing grace by empowering such a strange conglomeration of personalities to actually become One in the eyes of a world that has had its heart continually hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. By His Will and according to His Spirit and Power, every communication within this conglomeration can daily speak more and more truth in love as their hearts come in subjection to His Word of Truth.

"Speak the truth in love!" This is not a challenge to see who can take the most obnoxious stand in self righteousness, but it is a call to surrender "my will" so that His will be done in my heart and in the world around me. The reason and need of this "speaking the truth in love" is"
to give every opportunity
to every part of the body of Christ
to take full advantage
of their placement by Christ in the Body coalesce and grow up powerfully together into a "house of love".

Ephesians 4:16 - "From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by-that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love."

We are not here to compare our personal sacrifices, or to whine and complain about all that we have given up; but we are here to brag on His sacrifice and hide the hurting ones under His healing scars.




"O give thanks unto the LORD, for He is good, and His mercy endureth forever." Psalm 107:1

In the midst of a planet in turmoil, that is being watched, recorded and captured via trillions and trillions of digital bits of devastating "saved" moments, (Oh there are way too many shock wave-like distorted images to even begin processing), the Peace that passes understanding, the Joy unspeakable, and the Extraordinary Everlasting Love seems to be filtered out of mankind's daily vision, so that the hearts of this generation will continue to grow cold and fail. But if this generation will call unto Him out of their cold and failing hearts HE will deliver them out of their distresses.

"Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!" Psalm 107:8

While The Last Days' Prophesies still softly cry out, (the most consequential, that rarely capture media attention, are those that focus on the unseen things, the internal changes of the heart), zombie-fied mankind races carelessly in the opposite direction of God. There seems to be a mysterious and reflexive rationale that separates daily business from the notion of 24/7 God-conscious living. Like a repelling force field, there is a negative reflex toward the mention of "God Possibilities", modern man reflexively grimaces at the mention of God instead of listening with longing intent. But if this generation will call unto Him out of their pride filled darkened mind condition HE will break the chains of God-Hate thinking and set them free.

"Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!" Psalm 107:15

It should be obvious to thinking observers, that this negative reflex has been caused by the overwhelming agreement between biased slanted media and the lost "no need for God" human condition. To top it off it has been embraced by the modern day prophets of profit and success, whose ear tickling words wrap their soul stealing tentacles around the heart of unassuming seekers. So soon the silent sinister addictions of pleasure and comfort drive a life into a selfish purposeless tailspin ... for "Self" is a very unfulfilling goal for life; and in selfish fulfillment, sin finds an easy foothold to slay the participant. But if this generation will call unto Him out of their self-addicted condition HE will send the WORD to free them from their impending destruction.

"Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!" Psalm 107:21

"What's God got to do with it?" is a required digital preset in the scholastic response of modern conversation ... To carry on a proper (politically correct) dialogue one must omit any mention of an eternity or a personal entity related to eternity. And this rhetoric is purported to be the "required" balm that keeps offences to a minimum; but in reality it is Satan's attempt to silence the Good News of Jesus and damn the souls of "untold" millions. So many, who once claimed the name of Jesus and lived openly for Him in their efforts of loving men to Him, now cower and hide their faith in shame of bullied political correctness. ... Double whammy: they are now left feeling that with their silence... there is now a curse that has brought storms and destructive tempest from Above upon their lives here below. But if this generation will call unto Him out of their shame filled stormy seas , HE will bring them out of their silence into their desired haven.

"Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!" Psalm 107:31

Have confidence in His Word -- those who oppose the Gospel with an antagonistic attitude and a violent mouth and lifestyle ... CAN BE SAVED - IF THEY CALL ON HIM.

But those oppressed by these non-repentant prideful beasts will see God's deliverance. All that He has said, HE will do. BE CONFIDENT IN CHRIST!

"Whoso is wise, will observe these things, even they shall understand the loving kindness of the LORD." Psalm 107:43

(Please Read Psalm 107 in its entirety and see how God desires to save even those who violently oppose Him --- They are not the enemy, but our lack of confidence in our God is the enemy!)



My Frog Croaks Louder

My frog croaks louder than yours!!

Can we evoke the Presence of God .... So that the louder we sing, the more God responds by pouring out a bigger blessing?

Can we earn the righteousness of God .... So that the more fervent and sincere we are, the more secure we are in His salvation?

Can we excite the Spirit of God? So that the happier we are with Him, the happier He is with us?

 I just heard someone cry out ... "God is Holy!" And the congregation did some pop corn praise - (tiny bursts of "amen" here and there). All of a sudden, I heard the preacher repeat the notion and cry out again, "God is Holy!"; then the congregation with a loud voice said "AMEN!" And this made it so?? ... or is this Because my opinion is that ... my frog croaks louder than yours?

Something is backwards in this warped worldly kingdom mentality...and disappointment may be waiting to explode within this type of expectation. "Hype" is felt to be wonderful in the specks of time amidst the specks of eternity ... And it can make for an exciting moment, that will make for an unforgettable event -- but was that God's doing, someone else's or mine? King David was always impressed with the "Congregation" that were in the house of God, until their lives hit the sidewalks and began to rudely and sometimes violently interact outside of the temple.

My frog croaks louder than yours ...
That is the third time I have used that statement because... in light of the roaring of the oceans of the world - what is the win of one croak on the muddy bank of a small algae filled puddle?

Now watch the next statements and do not disconnect ---
Spiritual gifts draw us and others to God. He is always eternally present. He is not lacking to supply in any area of performance or power. He is Emanuel ...God With Us. Matthew 16:18 - Upon Him, and Him alone, is the Church established and unstoppable...not because of who we are and how sincere we are, But His Church is unstoppable because of Who He is. And "He is Holy"!

Are we willing to walk in worship in a way that ... something other than our purported gifts, are transparent enough that He is seen. {Something is still missing if we have to challenge God's people to give God the applause.}

But please, on the muddy bank of our algae filled puddle, do not assume arrogantly that we have captured the fullness of the essence of His Holiness. Do not judge other congregation puddles and other feeble followers in light of the croak of our frog. "Judge not lest you be judged, for what ever standards and methods you have used to establish your perception of judgement, those standards and methods will be echo back and be the judgment of you."

Here is a glimpse into the positioning of our hearts to observe His Holiness -
Psalm 99:5 - 
"Exalt ye the LORD
(not our gifts, not our biased and sometimes bigoted perceptions of Him - He is LORD; are you content and secure in that fact?)
our God,
(there must be a personal connection via the water of the Word, the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit)
and worship at His footstool;
(are we willing to ungird our filthy putrefying righteousness, and serve at His feet as He did ... cleansing and refreshing others at the "broken" point of contact with this dusty old fallen world?)
for He is Holy."
(Until the He is valued as eternally different to us, and our daily movements are resurrected and empowered by that "all heart, all soul, all spirit, all mind, all strength" connection ... we will continue to live in a powerless muddy algae filled puddle of self.)

If our identity is in anything other than Jesus... We will resist the personal and intimate call of God. Does Jesus define us?
Or Is our life just built on judging others, personal pain avoidance, risk management, strengthening our safety net and squeezing our frog in an attempt to make it croak louder than someone else's?

We must obey God rather than man.

With my head bowed and my surrender flag held high --"He is my Hero and roars louder than the noise of the universe with His still small voice!"

- Listen!!!



The Liberty of Love

Bear with me a moment as I reminisce of the beginnings of Love and Six concepts of a richer love.

"The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters of fir." Song of Solomon 1:17

Ok, this may be a little tough on some who have a rough time going back in their memories to find encouragement. Due to so much pain and darkness, their memory does not allow them to go to the blessings because they seem to embrace and own a self pronounced "curse" that has become part of their DNA (they wouldn't know who they were without it) ... They proclaim (usually in a mumbling fashion) ...the pain and darkness is proof, that although God blesses others, that  "God wouldn't bless me!". ARE YOU HIS and HE IS YOURS ... then this type of thinking is just WRONG!. Embrace the blessings and capture the pain and darkness as the treasure trove for the blessings.

Blessing and pain points are part of a "holistic" life as much as flowers and thorns share the country side ... We would never now true joy in some measure if there were never moments of gripping sorrow. Our God and Savior Jesus Christ offers "joy unspeakable and a fulfilling glory" ... but not without carrying the title: " A man of sorrows acquainted with the bitterest of grief."

Why do we try to separate the blessings and the pain like a BC and an AD - Either our God is in all and all in all, or He has nothing to do at all with us (Which is impossible because of His undisrupted, unretract-able, and indisputable choice of loving us.) Notice the verse above -- here is a thought -- The dimensions of Love are not constrained by the craftiness of hands of men, but love allows for its fascination and its captivation within the glory of any surrounding ... humble or magnificent. Think of "first love" -- the surroundings shouldn't matter as long as "we were together". Any place was an opportunity for love.

"Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines; for our vines have tender grapes" Song of Solomon 2:15

Now understand ... the fact is that it is imperative that we grasp and take hold of the seemingly insignificant burrowing predators that scratch away at the roots of our love. They are there ... they are an annoyance but unless acknowledged they will hurt the tender grapes of love... See if you recognize these - fear, unbelief, hidden sinful addictions, wandering eyes, wandering thoughts, selective deafness to the voice of God, and all lying. These things need to be taken hold of and cast far from love. In the beginnings of love there was a constant search to discover more to know and to appreciate of the one that was the choice of love. Why do you think the first and greatest command follows suite - "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and thy soul, all the strength, and all thy mind" -- as love discovers wonders, love grows firmer. Cast away the distractions.

"By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth; I sought him, but I found him not" Song of Solomon 3:1

There is a place for missing the one we love ... giving personal space for the object of our love creates a longing and an appreciation of the time together. Have you ever felt a distance between you and God? Did it create a stronger desire to know Him and be with Him? If He will never abandon or forsake us what has happened? ... If no obvious offence can be found in our lives, then trust that He has gifted the space here and now so that a greater longing to be with Him can be nurtured. Don't be afraid of distance, love can deepen in those moments that we are alone.

"Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck." Song of Solomon 4:9

Don't miss this ... but the real attraction that makes our love "altogether lovely" is found in this verse -- My heart is made to beat faster and think differently by my Love's relationship with the LORD first ... her singleness of "eyes only for Him", and her one outstanding adornment "Her Godly love for Him". Here is the key that keeps love alive --- not the kissing, not the hugging and not all the other stuff --- The Love that lasts is the love that holds the Eternal Love Relationship as Number One. My love for any one in this world must not cause me to violate His Love From Above.

"I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell him, that I am sick of love." Song of Solomon 5:8

The prognosis of a healthy love is one that is evangelistic about its intentions at all times ... live loudly in love with your Love. The hope, is whether you see me with my wife or without my wife ... you will know that I love her. Congruently my eternal hope is that I will always be caught loving Jesus.

This week was a challenging week for my heart --- between meeting "devotion" at all different levels ... I guess my greatest frustration was with a group of individuals who had a devoted style that is supposed to have some sort of eternal connection. As to the reason for their "style" of living, I was left without a hint or an answer and I sensed only an arrogance not a humility. I was bewilder because of the glazing over of their eyes when I shared "Scriptural" Life Concepts -- there was almost a mockery towards the Word of God.

NOW all this to lay out one more little nugget --

"Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and as terrible as an army with banners?" Song of Solomon 6:10

Our love should always be first, last, bright all day, and obvious of its intentions: The blessing comes when we do not hide our love under the guise of secret religious mists and fogs. When people know clearly where our Love stands, Love will have its perfecting work. Live openly and loudly for Jesus.

Happy Fourth of July -- Our Country was founded on a principal of a need for liberty in the land we call home that would be free from tyranny... Be bold, and claim the full liberty of love that is only found in a life that gives full access to the Lover of our Souls.

(Anything else opens you to unmerciful tyrants of the soul).

