Fade Away

Sometimes we fade away in the midst of the focused agendas of others, especially if we are perceived as "outsiders"; or if we are judged as gift-less or useless in the advancement of their cause. If each and everyone of us have unknowingly entertained angels unaware...how much more inept are we to recognize the true gifts among us. If we can't own our day by day heart responsibilities without the utilization the "blame others tool", how do we expect to even begin to understand our own part in a tragic collision of selfish life choices.

Psalm 110 is an extremely prophetic passage of scripture that paints the picture of the character of Adonai(the Lord) and the promises that surround His authority and the events of His Eternal Reign. I hear all to often the word "Sovereignty" carried around as a burden cover up, when all we really want to do is blame God for the events in our lives and the lives of others that seem un-fair from our vantage point (fear not; get alone with Him and open the wounds and scars). The embarrassingly private, unexplained situations and events that jar our world can easily be tossed into the "Sovereignty of God" bucket as an excuse for relinquishing personal responsibility. We can even decide to throw aside our iniquitous part in the events by dusting ourselves of with bristle-less brushes of fain holiness and move to the next irresponsible adventure of our lives.

Are we Connected by love to the King? Are we in submission to the Son? Do we continually allow ourselves, through devotion to His Word, to be set apart? Do we wear Holiness as an adornment of splendor; or a veil of shame? Do we truly want God's way to be our way? Is it joyous or painful to pray "Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven"?

As the battle dust began to clear, there stood the snarling self-avenging warrior in the midst of his own carnage. His near-hardened heart was not wanting to surrender; his resolve to "fight-on" was momentarily interrupted by a strange sensation...there blew across the battlefield the sweet smell of distant exotic sweetness that startled his forward resolve. His battle bruised ears also were captured and diverted from the confusion of the moment by a melodious refrain that seemed to float in from a not too distant past. The scent and song carried the memory of promises of soul stirring thrills of a glorious future that potentially he was disqualified from and possibly banished from because of his unfathomable iniquity. The atom-sized moment was nothing but a shiver, but it brought a strange flash of a memory of unearthly comfort that loosened a uncontrolled tear.

Then a terrifying clap of thunder shook the earth beneath him, and a bolt of devastating lightning hit the battlefield blinding the shaken wounded warrior. Trying desperately to raise up his rattled frame (that was now helplessly on its knees), horrified, he looked through tear blurred eyes to see a form running at him. He groped helplessly for his blood stained weapon only to sink deeper in despair when it was not to be found. He finally bowed his head and submitted to the eminent death blow; ... but it did not come.

Intruding upon the senses of his massive warrior frame was the strangest sensation; the feeling of the gentle but firm arms and frame of a small child embracing his broken body. The shock of this sneak attack seemed to be too good to be true ... but in that split second all his senses collapse in love's attack; it was not a trick, it was not a test; and the embrace remained in control ... gentle, assuring, strong and true. He was conquered.

Psalm 110:3 - "Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning; Thou hast the dew of Thy youth."

Be willing to come to the LORD in this day of the power of His love, in this age that is covered by His Grace like the birthing of a new age of potential; join Him in the morning dew of eternal life ... HE NEVER OVERLOOKS YOU. No matter how far you have gone, you are only a breath away from His forgiving love.

Become ... Young forever in concert with Him, by His invitation ... "Come unto Me."



Will I Come

"If it is You say ...Come...I will come." O to truly grasp who we are in Christ, knowing Him intimately, and understanding the "Authority" He has gifted us... We would rush to His opening opportunities to conquer and rescue those fading away amidst the Kingdom of Darkness; those who have "fallen among thieves" ... Bringing them to wholeness..."Shalom"..found only in a deepening and fully dependent walk with Jesus in the Kingdom of His Marvelous Light.

The Storm was threatening and the flight was experiencing the threat, As the winds began to rattle the jet cabin (and no one even dared to ignore the "fasten seat belt" sign), I began to pray...the winds calmed immediately(the Darkness whispered "It's just a fluke of your imagination"; and of course my flesh surrendered; but my spirit soared in unbounded joy and gratitude).

We will not fully realized what we are nor what we will be - but we have been promised authority in our "becoming" as Sons of God. Let not the enemy whisper ..."helpless" - "powerless" - "defeated" - WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS , through Jesus Christ our Lord! The true test and demonstration of power is in our struggle for the needs of others ... those "fallen among thieves".

Prayer: Now I break, now I cry for my brother, my sister... for he or she has fallen among thieves. And with this sigh, my heart is lifted to Thee. Let Love's abundant redemption blow into my brother's and sister's torrid and sordid dimensions of sin's ravaging deception. Break the chains that have bound them and the veil of guilt that covers their eyes. Similiar to the deliverance of the Maniac of the Gadarenes, bring him home once again to Thy love and Thy family. O please Jesus, Amen.

We may ache because of the limitations of the flesh, but intercessory prayer moves us nearer to God as His active rescue is already in place. Does God want my brethren bound in this iniquity? NO! I have two choices - AVOID: by analyzing, judging, and then justifying my pathetically weak offering of nothing; or ACTIVATE: knowing that my flesh has a pathetically weak offering, I turn to the power of the Almighty and thrust my faith into His infinitesimal love and resources for His rescue of my family.

It is not for me to label my brother or sister as fallen, lost or found, but for the scraping of the potsherd ...my brethren's only resource is also mine .. the Grace and Mercy of God. My God is sufficient, willing and able to deliver us.

Search our hearts Lord and wash away the stains that we judge through. Pull us close to Thy side so we can hear the words of your rescue. Amen!

To all who are facing deep and threatening wind or water - He is saying "Come to me!" all we need to do is "Come,............. I will!"

