The occupants of “Abraham's Bosom” (known as Paradise) had received a Visitor that had brought them the reality of Heaven; while the prisoners of Hell (Separated by a great chasm) were now finding their hopeless end expanding ... but this is unseen by all creation. The groaning of Creation had ceased for this moment in painful anticipation of “what if?” … hanging in the void of “Three days and Three nights”.
While on the surface of the World … right amidst the adornment:
- The fearful Jewish rulers wanted guaranty that “the body” would remain secure in the tomb, so their guards and their feeble seal were employed and waiting. He was dead … but that word ..”It is Finished!”, sounded more like victory rather than defeat.
- The crowds had watched the show, beat their breasts in disgust (the show didn't go on for days like it normally would), and went home.
- The Roman Crucifixion Team was left with an awe of the man who was posted “King of the Jews”.
- Joe and Nick, two secret believers, did what they could to provide Jesus a hurried but decent burial.
- The women followed to the tomb so they knew where they laid him, then went home to prepare spices to apply to the body after the Sabbath, and then rested.
- The disciples mourned and wept … they had been so full of living because of Him, and now He was dead.
- The words of the Resurrection were muted by the moments horrendous reality... He was crucified, died, and was buried.
My pulse has faltered, and my life interrupted...
While I wait for the grave to cry “I can ne'er hold him!”
Let God Arise!
This is such a dark place to be between the reality of history noted: Jesus was crucified, died and was buried (THIS IS A HISTORICAL FACT THAT EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD LIVES WITH)
... and His-story to be revealed – He Arose!
Satan knows the Resurrection is reality, and that if believed it frees men from the curse of sin for eternity. If he can just keep men in the slumber of “the sign” – If he can just keep the cross immovable. If he can just keep faith “deep and personal and silent”. If he can convince believers to “cloister”, to separate, to segregate, and to keep to themselves … he can perpetuate this Dark moment with Jesus forever in the tomb. Hear him hiss his advice, “Go ahead and celebrate your holy days. Go ahead and gather around the message with rejoicing, but keep it in your congregations and out of the market place... you don't want to offend anyone.”
Prior to His Death and Resurrection, Jesus laid out the plan that would break “the sign of Jonah” for those who were waiting to believe... it is noted in Matthew 16:24, in Mark 8:34, and in Luke 9:23 – this is a familiar passage to any that have frequented the congregating of saints; but let's hear it in light of the moment: “And He said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself , and take up his cross daily, and follow me”.
Come to the Cross. You who are washed of your sins by the blood of the Cross, lift it up, carry it and its effects away with you into the lives of others. If you will come after Him this day, this moment … His cross must be your cross. Don't feed the slumber … don't leave the world around you in the history of the cross ...awaken them with the reality that you live in Him and He lives with you... daily.
Awake – live loudly for Him – love others with Him. He is Alive!
PS. The world is not threatened when your faith stays contained in a tomb, a place, a book, a building, a day, a time, etc....but the world panics when your faith goes mobile because there it has unlimited capacity. “Go into all the world!”