Kicked to the Curb

You know what? I am a people person (but only by my new nature). Ever since May of 1973, my heart has been captured by the miracle of life and life everlasting. People seemed to appear out of nowhere and began to weigh in heavily on my heart and soul. (THIS IS VERY TOUGH TO SHARE WITH YOU BECAUSE THE RISK I TAKE IN TALKING ABOUT MYSELF, BUT IF YOU BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELT AND GO FOR THE RIDE WITH ME, WE MAY BOTH END UP RADICALLY CHANGED AT THE END OF THIS REFLECTION) I will focus on the eyes of the individual speaking to me: I will laugh along with their laughter and maybe even shed a tear or two when they open their hearts door and reveal a broken part of their life. I find myself as an intense student of human emotions. I study conditions of passions, frustrations and irritations that befall so many in this sin scorched life. I truly do this not to make something of myself, but with the hope that the people that I am gifted to come in contact with will realize their worth if connected to Jesus (and connected to His deep devotional desire for them).

For what is a person's life? It is like a vapor of breath on a cold morning, that appears for such a brief time as it moves into the surrounding air and then it is gone. What is the value of that vapor? God breathed it into the first man and he became a living entity. Sin entered the world of that first man as he missed the mark of his high calling to "Walk with God". Man's desire to breathe the way he wanted to, severed Eden's connection to that intimate walk. Man unknowingly shortened that breath and faced the consequences of his actions by now taking on the effects of his last breath. What is the value of that breath? Man's choice to breathe in the last breath was not where God wanted man ... He loved man so much that He sent His only begotten Son to sacrificially breath His last breath for a world of whosoevers. And if those whosoevers would believe and rely on Him to cover the consequences of their rebellious breathing ... they would not "breathe their last breath" but have eternal life. Jesus breathed His last breath for us and rose again to breathe His new life into us. DOES EVERYONE BELIEVE? DOES EVERYONE RECEIVE? God knew so many would not receive and have not received this immense payment for their sin but still loves them until their last breath.

Although Jesus may be "kicked to the curb" by an individual's rejection of His love, He continues to love them until the end of their days. GOD KICK'S NO BROKEN INDIVIDUAL TO THE CURB.

Here come's the other voice... the other cheerleader that preys on our natural desire to "throw people away". Here come's that influence of death's decree ...he lifts up his declaration that rings true at some point in time to all of us - "life is too short to put up with those kind of people". There is ugliness, grotesqueness and offensiveness built into people all around us. We live in a generation that mars, mangles, pierces, cuts, aborts, slanders, marks, maims and throws itself to the curb. This generation will do everything in its power to dare you to love them. It will appear that they could care less that you care at all, but if the truth would be known ... if you love Jesus, they are counting on you to care.

There was a cry, a scream; and a torn and wounded child crawled out into the daylight from a cruel dark alley. The child had been molested, abused, torn and thrown into the trash pile of useless humanity. As it struggled to pull its weeping bloodied form from the unseen recesses of the ally to the revealing light of the street, Jesus walked up to the child, stared at him, and walked away without so much as a moment of care.

Unbelievable ... you say "No Way!" "That's not my Jesus!" 

No it is not, but it might be me and it might be you when we decide not to care. If we say we love Jesus and choose to walk away - Jesus just walked away from someones life.

Jeremiah 9: 1-2a "Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people! Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men;"

Oh to Join Jesus in loving people ... He wants to join you in loving people. Do you want him with you? Or would you prefer just to "kick Him to the Curb"?

Start with those closest to you where the offense may be deepest ... Don't pass them by. 



The Open Hole in the Sky

I had just heard the news, it wasn't good. I felt the tremor, although the news was not affecting me directly. Another hero (though not mine) tossed his character aside for a momentary forbidden pleasure. Another leader somehow felt that the influence of the Kingdom would not be forfeited if he would choose sin instead of righteousness. Although I no longer ran in his circles of influence, I was still historically connected and therefore emotionally connected.

Years ago, this hero (as a young man), scaled the respect and admiration of so many and rose above the position of many of his college peers. Such potential that he was able to "arrive" by many of the standards of the day. Yet in one fell swoop, in one tragic decisive moment ... he was headlines. In less than a week, he went from beloved to belittled. Where once he was merely criticized for articulate controversy now he was defrocked because of moral fallacy and justifiable condemnation.

Actually, this fallen hero was no different than so many of the men of his day, and not all that different from so many of his fallen predecessors. NOTE: So many of us think we have the padlock in place on the door of our wicked imaginations. So many of us think that we are strong enough to keep the volatile nature of our sinful (but secret) ambitions in check. So many of us have even been counseled into believing that it is just a "Man thing" or a "woman's prerogative" to lie a little, cheat a little, and steal a little. This type of thinking runs rampant when we have merely a religious walk with a god, instead of a Relevant Walk with Our God. Our futile selfish labors will feed the fire of the desire to be recompensed for our long-suffering while keeping our lusts in check.

What is a Relevant Walk with Our God? Two men are mentioned specifically in scripture to have walked with God or at least are connected to the phrase "walked with God" ... One of them (Enoch) started this walk after the birth of a Son that he named "The Man of the Dart" or "How long before I am Launched?" . The other(Noah) had a "walk with God" was so notable in his character that it differentiated him from those of his generation. This "walk with God" was the foundation for the amazing events that would surround the influence of the life of these men(though neither were without fault).

For just a moment, focus on the phrase "Walk with God" ... held within the treasure chest of the word "Walk" and its usage comes a description of "Relevant" walk...

1. It is a willing walk ... we walk ourselves ... by our choosing ... He has chosen us.
2. It is a shared walk ... we don't walk by ourselves ... we walk with another who walks with us.
3. It is a purposeful walk ... to walk with Him ... loving Him loving us.
4. It is a walk with the future understood and in view ... forever with Him, Who is forever with us.
5. It is a walk that focuses on the Quality of the actions and shared desires of both Walkers.

Actually it is not just "what would Jesus do?" ... it may be better to add some personal communication ... "What do I do, while walking with You, Jesus?"

While walking with the Love of my Life I may still mess up, but it is a lot harder to carelessly throw away the future of that relationship's influence for something that would immediately offend and hurt My Love, walking with me.

As I was hearing the news, I looked out the window into the cloud filled day to see a blue hole open in the clouds ... immediately I desired to fly through the clouds toward the open blue. I wanted to close the distance that seems to be there at times. Jesus, hold me close ... without you, how can I begin to stand?

Psalm 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

It appears my God has far more invested and vested in this walk with Him ... best trust Him fully. Let's walk with Jesus. And I saw the open hole in the sky. I Corinthians 10:13 ... check it out.



When the Rainbow Fades

Stand by Me Maker of the Rainbow

(Be careful not to read too much into this HLFA – unless the mirror is staring back at you)

The toughest reality on this side of the Veil is that the world will create a mirage of loneliness that our flesh so quickly buys into. Within this loneliness "buy in" our soul can be crushed to the point that depression rules, hope is deferred and heart becomes strength-less or helpless to beat at a rate that signifies life. This "crushing" definitely can be on the tail end of the "forgive me - forgive me not" cycle that will be part of our working through a personal disastrous choice for sin (instead of choosing His Desire for us). ("There hath no temptation taken you but such is common to man")

Sometimes we will try to infuse life back into our being with a noble endeavors, that we may even risk to call God's Will. These endeavors may breathe momentary life back into our existence, but because they are fueled merely by the desperate need for worth and acceptance, the endeavors become an obsession that runs our soul deeper into disappointment. Fits of Rage and threatening may become our new tool to motivate others instead of love and prayerful encouragement as we cling to our endeavor like it was our only hope for existence. While we push forward at our endeavor we could even begin to alienate ourselves further by casting aside anybody who can't catch "our vision." Our heart may start rating people as "stupid" and "useless" (though we wouldn't say this openly) as they either fit or don't fit our direction of movement. ("but God is faithful")

Now with the onset of this "rating" of the worth of others ... through the filter of "Our Endeavor" ... we are thinning out the voices that could encourage us. Those who seem to make the connection to God without any difficulty "must be doing something wrong" or "are naive to reality." Our people connections are reducing, our position is becoming more awkward, and the growing hopelessness is now a daily occurring cloud over our life. We truly believe that "no one understands" and "this has never happened to anyone else" ... without any effort a new pride will set in that will usher us into further disappointment. WHAT WE REALLY WANT IS FADING INTO "NOT FOR ME." ("He will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able")

HOLD ON (this is not a disconnect and if you breathe it will be coherent) - I was thoroughly enjoying a meal at local Mexican restaurant with my Wife, Two of my Sons, one daughter n' law, and one Grandson. The enjoyment was caused mostly by my Grandson's fascination with a rainbow, which he could easily watch from the window of the restaurant. His two-year-old (plus) fascination had a ton of wisdom ... I mentioned that God made bow just for him as well as others. His face was all aglow as he blurted out, "I see God." His Dad mentioned that He sees God everywhere. I told my Grandson that it is almost like God took his finger and painted the rainbow in the sky. With a sweeping motion of his finger, the little guy spoke out "God loves me" and pointing to me "He loves you" ... more pointing followed ... "and Becky and Jeremy and Nana and Daddy and" ... as he looked around the room full of people, "and everyone." As the rainbow began fade the little guy was a little discouraged because he couldn't see the rainbow as clearly, BUT he assured me "I can still see God!" ("and will with the temptation make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it" I Corinthians 10:13).

Life will get a little messier as the little guy grows up but if his "heart to see God" can be nurtured and encouraged the "reality" will become a blessing and not a curse. We all are dealt different sets of blessing and heartaches... as the rainbow fades we have a choice to call out to the One who made the Bow - "Stand by Me" or to turn to depression and disappointment as we allow a moment to separate us from Him. Isaiah 8:17 - "And I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth His face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for Him." Isaiah 40:31 - "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall rise up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

In the midst of faults and failures, Stand by me (stand by me);
In the midst of faults and failures, Stand by me (stand by me);
When I do the best I can, And my friends misunderstand,
Thou Who knowest all about me, Stand by me (stand by me).

(Third section of the Hymn "Stand by Me" by Charles Albert Tindley)

Jesus desires to Stand by you ... let Him.



Wrapped and Alone

Don’t Leave Me Wrapped and Alone

Psalm 83:1-2 Song or Psalm of Asaph. Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

In our world of strange media events, it is almost expected that the "trash mongers" will be out there digging in the Devil’s Waste Landfill to find and expose any obscenities of life in an attempt to take our hearts away. They position their own rotting corpse right near the cesspool of human failure and tragedy, just waiting for some flaw to bubble to the surface. At which time they will scoop the mess out of the mire and race it to the spin doctors of shame to make it even more obnoxious (publishing discouragement has never been more profitable).

With a bundle of the "Spew News" in hand, Hell's Paper Boy arrives in the market place ready to do his barking to sell "the latest steamy edition." To his dismay on this particular day he finds a crowd of the strangest sort. (Get your imaginations on) As he enters the market place, his senses are assaulted by a crowd hopping and stumbling around - all, every single one of them, wound to the max, foot to head, wrapped tightly with the rags of the grave. Their Mummy-like appearances (flipping, flopping, weaving, wobbling ... every individual totally helpless to even try a defensive or an offensive maneuver) litter the grounds ... with so many appearing to be groping, to be unwound, to be loosed and to be set free. BUT HOLD ON, are my eyes deceiving me??? THE CROWD IS NOT WANTING TO BE SET FREE ... even the Paper Boy is dumbfounded by what he sees: THE CROWD DOES NOT WANT ANYONE TO DISTURB THEIR SITUATION - Listen closely to their pitiful pleas: "We like our captivity, we like our stink, we love our immobility, we don’t want a vision ... don’t touch us, please do not disturb our peaceful deathlike existence." With all the garbage news that they have had pumped into their lives, can you truly blame them for wanting to wrapped and left alone?

"Cease, cease my son to hear the instruction that causes thee to err from the words of knowledge." Some of the most horrendous tragedies in human character have come because of man’s insatiable desire to hear and listen to discouraging and disheartening news. The Enemy is real good at being loud and obnoxious forcing us not only to hear but also to listen. The enemy takes aim at our sore spots and scars as we openly expose them through our whining and complaining. Then, he will stoke the fire of restitution anger, snuff out any fragile coals of forgiveness, and make sure we are so numb with disappointment that there is absolutely no room for grace to be extended to an offender. At this point we will do our best to maintain a firm grip on our tightly wrapped grave clothes, so as not to have to face the Voice of God.

What to do? We live in a day when leadership is arrogant and abusive, servants are squandered or plundered, human life is devalued, the Bible is questioned, prayer is purported to be powerless, kindness is seen as weakness, mercy is for cowards, righteousness is old fashion, love and lust are synonymous, faith is scorned, and God is vilified. All the while God’s people are silent in the work place and the market place. Momentarily we may rise up against an enemy that threatens our temporal security. Momentarily we may cry out and stand up to defend life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We may even raise enough backing and support to stop an enemy in his tracks, but what then?

Do we begin to examine the cause? MY SIN ... MY SORROW!

Do change the direction of our daily actions? HIS GRACE ... MY SALVATION!

Do we commit to a greater resolve? ALL THINGS ... TO THE GLORY OF GOD!

Do we now begin anew to undergird and nurture the key relationship that has the keys of death and Hell? LISTEN AND LEARN ... HE IS NOT SILENT!

Do we draw closer to the only One who can open and no man shuts, or shuts and no man opens? DRAW NEAR TO HIM ... HE HAS DRAWN NEAR TO YOU!

Do we remember from whence we are fallen and return to the courtship of our First Love? LOVE JESUS OPENLY!

Humble yourselves and allow the Grave Clothes to be removed so you can truly live, move and breathe!

